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a dog wearing a harness



When Should I Hire a Service That Specializes in Detection Dogs?

Published July 1st, 2021 by 3DK9 LLC

We have almost all seen it. I'm talking about the crime TV show where the police dog finds the drugs or the missing person.

Chances are, you may have something very serious happening in your life right now, and you are looking for answers.

Are you wondering if hiring a service specializing in detection dogs will help you?

Read on to find out the ways that detection dogs' services can benefit you.

Drug Sniffing Dogs

If your child/loved one is showing signs of potential drug use or if they are acting a little off, you may want to consider hiring a drug-sniffing dog.

Not only will this help uncover the drug that you may be worried about, but can help get the recovery process started if there is a problem. If nothing is found, it can help put your mind at ease.

Here are some of the symptoms to look out for with potential drug use:

  1. If they are suddenly defensive and secretive
  2. They have lost interest in things that they used to love
  3. They have sudden financial issues
  4. They have gained or lost a bunch of weight quickly
  5. They have had poor performance in work and/or school

If you suspect that someone has or is using drugs, detection dogs can be used to search at your:

  • Home
  • School 
  • Workplace
  • Almost any other private or public area

Drug sniffing dogs are typically trained to detect:

  • Cocaine HCL
  • Crack cocaine
  • Methamphetamines
  • Ketamine
  • Ecstacy
  • Marijuana
  • Morphine
  • Heroin
  • Alcohol
  • Other illicit drugs

Detection dogs are trained to sniff buildings, vehicles, boxes as well as other places that they're needed.

The Drug Detection Process

When you decide to hire a drug detection dog service, you will be asked to sign a contract that explains the process, your privacy, and what to expect.

After this, the handler, the dog, and sometimes yourself, will go room to room while the dog sniffs. 

If the dog would find something, it will let the handler know and that area will be marked for further inspection.

It is recommended that the person you are suspecting of having drugs is not present during this process because of the potential of a conflict.

If drugs are found, the handler will notify you and it will be your responsibility to dispose of them. The detection companies usually have a way to help you identify a drug if you are not sure what it is.

Explosive Detection Dogs

Receiving a bomb threat can be scary.

It is important in this day and age to have a plan to protect yourself. Explosive detection dogs can help assure security in your home, business, school, or workplace.

Explosive detection dogs can detect:

  • Firearms
  • Bombs
  • Gun powder
  • Other explosive materials 

Sometimes people who hire explosive detection dog services are thinking ahead to assure safety. But usually, they have an imminent issue that they want to address. Typical places that this service is used are:

  • Private residences
  • Airports
  • Major Sports Leagues
  • Stadium Venues
  • Conference Halls
  • Concerts
  • Schools
  • Buses
  • Shopping centers

Dogs undergo rigorous training in real life-style environments to assure that they are prepared for any case they may encounter in explosive detection.  When a threat is detected, law enforcement and bomb squads will be contacted to neutralize the threat as safely as possible.

Explosive detection canines can identify the same explosive odors as your local law enforcement.

The Explosive Detection Process

This process will vary depending on where the search is. It can vary also based on the urgency of the search, as well as what the search is for.

Having an explosive detection dog can save hundreds of lives at whatever event you have. This kind of detection dog service can also be used whether you are thinking ahead to protect the attendees, or you have an urgent threat.

Let's discuss a few of the processes below:

Person Borne K9's

Person Borne k9's are one of the most popular types of detection dogs. These k9's can track a moving target who's armed with explosives.

Static Line Canines / TSA K9s

The k9's move while people around them are standing still. This works well for places like airports, where people are standing in line. This tends to be one of the more expensive types of searches a detection dog can do.

Person Borne Explosive Device / Dynamic / Vapor Trail

This detection dog service is often used when people are centered in one universal area, like at a sports event or a concert. This type of k9 will search very slowly, coming towards the crowd from the opposite direction.

EDD Explosive Detection Dogs

This type of detector dog is universally trained to work in all different types of environments. They are specially trained to find explosives in buildings, packages, and vehicles.

Cost of Detection Dogs Services

The cost of detection dogs' services can vary depending on the services that are needed, the size of the location being searched, and other mitigating circumstances.

Some places start their prices between $200 to $500 per certified narcotic dog search while some will charge more.

But it is important to understand that you must find a business that has the best reputation as well as the ability to fit your needs with proven results.

Choosing a Detection Dog Company

Now that you have learned a little bit about when you may need a detection dogs' service, as well as the processes that they may entail, we want you to know that your safety is our business!

Even our company name, 3DK9, is designed around our mission which is to defend, detect and deter potential threats to you.

When considering a company for your detection dog needs, give us a call at (855)561-3647.

You can also reach out to us by scheduling a consultation here.

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