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The Benefits of Hiring Drug-Sniffing Dogs to Ensure Your Home Is Safe

Published December 7th, 2020 by 3DK9 LLC

Inappropriate or illegal drug use is one of the biggest problems people face every day. In fact, more than 46 percent of adults in the United States know someone who has an addiction to drugs or alcohol or had one at one time.

That drug use, especially when it’s in your own home, threatens the safety of those you love. The sooner you can identify the problem, the easier it is for you to protect your loved ones.

Unfortunately, finding drugs or getting an active user to openly admit their addiction isn’t always simple.

Drug-sniffing dogs can help you uncover the truth and keep your home and family safer in the long run. Here are a few great benefits that you’ll experience when you bring drug-detecting dogs onto your property.

Drug Dogs Can Give You Insight Into Your Home’s History

When you move into a new house, you have no way of knowing what the previous owners did inside. Though most homeowners are responsible, some end up using illicit or illegal substances on a regular basis.

Worse, some produce those illegal substances inside the home. When the house is in great condition, it can be tough to tell if the structure ever housed a meth production operation or if previous owners stashed illegal drugs in the walls.

When you hire drug-sniffing dogs to inspect your house, you’ll know whether the home is safe or if you need to worry for your family’s wellbeing.

The dogs will be able to detect even minor traces of things like marijuana, methamphetamines, cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, and other illegal drugs. If they find anything, the dogs will pinpoint the locations of those drugs so you can determine the next steps.

The sooner you can remove those hazardous substances, the safer and healthier your family will be.

They Detect More Than Illegal Drugs

Most people bring drug dogs into their homes to look for the presence of illegal drugs. That doesn’t mean that they’re only able to detect those substances. In fact, drug dogs are able to detect legal or prescription drugs and alcohol as well.

If you suspect that your child or another family member is using prescription medication without having a prescription for those drugs, the dogs can help. They’ll be able to sniff out stashes of pills and alcohol on your property quickly.

This means you’re better able to assist your loved one with their recovery and get them the help they need faster than you otherwise would. Remember, drug users aren’t always easy to spot. They can often function like normal for years before you even notice that there’s a problem.

By bringing a dog in sooner, you’ll know whether your fears are legitimate or if your loved one is struggling with something other than drug addiction.

Hiring a Drug-Sniffing Dog Gives You Peace of Mind

When you’re worried about the safety and health of your loved ones, it can disrupt your life. Your concerns become all you can think about and, worse, can impact your relationships in a negative way.

Drug detecting dogs will help restore your peace of mind. They’re good at what they do and if there’s a dangerous substance on your property, they’ll be able to find it.

If they fail to find drugs or illegal substances on your property, you’ll be able to eliminate at least one of those concerns entirely.

The fewer things you have to worry about, the easier it will be to focus on the things that matter most. You’ll be able to improve your relationships with your family and live your life without the uncertainty that comes from not knowing if there are drugs in your house.

The Dogs Can Help You Better Understand Your Kids

If you have teenagers, you know that understanding them can be truly difficult at the best of times. An estimated 50 percent of teenagers in America admit to misusing drugs at least once in their life.

Unfortunately, recognizing the signs of drug use isn’t always easy for parents. All you might see is your child becoming more withdrawn or exhibiting behaviors that seem unusual for their personality. Without understanding what’s causing those issues, identifying the best solutions to help get your kids back on track can be difficult.

When you work with drug-sniffing dogs, you’ll be able to find out if their changing behavior is because of drug use or if it’s the result of some other event.

This makes it easier for you to understand the types of challenges your child is facing. When you have a better understanding of the issues at hand, you’ll be better able to rebuild your relationship with them. This can help encourage them to open up to you and proves that you’re on their side.

You’ll Be Able to Get Help Sooner

Drug addiction is a serious condition. The sooner you can get your loved one the help they need, the easier it will be for them to overcome their addiction.

Before you can find out if they truly have a problem, you need to know if there are drugs in your home and what types of drugs they’re using. Renting a drug-sniffing dog will help you find the drugs in question. Once you find them, you’ll be able to get the drugs tested to see what they are and what your loved one is using.

If need be, you can use the information you receive to stage an intervention or to request legal help as needed.

Hiring Drug-Sniffing Dogs Is Always a Great Option

If you’re worried about the possibility of drugs being somewhere in your home, don’t ignore the concern. Instead, bring in drug-sniffing dogs and let them inspect your property thoroughly.

They’ll be able to find even small amounts of drugs on the premises so you can breathe easy in your own home.

If you’re worried about the safety of your house, don’t wait. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with our experienced drug-sniffing canines.

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